Stata Tutorials

Getting Started with Stata

For PCs
Opening Stata for the first time in Windows: (4 min)
Setting up windows in Stata: (7 min)
Creating folders and downloading files with a PC: (6 min)
Load data using the cd (change directory) command: (10 min)
For Macs
Opening and setting up Stata: (9 min)
Creating folders and downloading files in a Mac: (6 min)
Load data using the cd (change directory) command: (10 min)

Stata demonstrations, by topic

Using summarizetab and histogram commands in Stata: (19 min)
Navigating Stata, helpful tips: (17 min)
Basic Descriptive Statistics in Stata: (14 min)
Useful graphing commands in Stata: (18 min)
Power command: (29 min)
Inference with categorical data: (30 min)
One sample t-tests (References made to NURS 629 homework): (18 min) (Word doc and do-file from t-test videos)
Two sample t-tests (References made to NURS 629 homework): (19 min) (Word doc and do-file from t-test videos)
T-tests, ANOVA, and their corresponding non-parametric tests: (34 min)

Data files used in video demonstrations

Asthma dataRISE data 2017Framingham Period 1