UA Nursing Peer Mentorship Program Prepares BSN Students for Academic Success

March 28, 2019

When the University of Arizona College of Nursing’s Peer Mentorship program launched in fall semester, 2018, it was open to all BSN students seeking to be involved in the mentoring experience. Financially supported by the Arizona Nursing Inclusive Excellence (ANIE) scholars project, a four-year $1.9 million diversity grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration, the mentorship program is just one facet of student support the grant has helped facilitate. Mentor applications for fall 2019 open at the end of spring semester, so BSN students who are either 2nd or 3rd semester who wish to participate in the program should plan ahead. Mentors will be on-boarded during the summer, with mentee applications going out the first week of Fall semester.

Take a minute to learn more about the benefits the Peer Mentorship program can have by reading this engaging Q&A with second-semester BSN student and mentee, Maren Bashor, who is interested in becoming a pediatric oncology nurse.

What drew you to the UA Student Nurses Peer Mentoring Program?            

I applied for this program because I wanted to hear the experience of students from future semesters and meet new people within the College of Nursing.  I also wanted to have someone that I could ask questions about study habits and advice if I needed it.

What are three benefits of participating in the program?

One: You have someone who is there to give you advice who is from a future semester.  Two: You get to make new friends. Three: I feel that I have someone who I can go to with any questions that I have and they will give me an honest answer about their experiences.

What is your advice to nursing students considering applying to the program? 

Do it! It is so nice to have someone who is older than you to talk to about their experiences and they can give you advice with study habits and classes.  It is also nice to have an additional person to talk to and be there for you when you need them.

Find out more about UA Nursing’s Peer Mentoring Program by contacting Debora Nesbitt, MSN, APRN, PMHNP, coach, academic success at 520-626-6151 or