Lois J Loescher
Lois J Loescher , PhD, RN, FAAN
Professor Emerita, Nursing
My passion is the study of cancer risk reduction, prevention and control behaviors, with a focus on skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US; early detection of cutaneous lesions is paramount for increasing survival and reducing morbidity. My research concepts of interest are risk perception, risk communication and risk reduction; cancer worry; self-efficacy and personal control; and technology acceptance. I have received funding for my research from the NIH, private foundations, and through collaborations with Queensland (AU) University of Technology. My research involves UA multidisciplinary teams comprised of co-investigators from the Colleges of Nursing, Public Health, Medicine, and Engineering, as well as Bio5 and Dermatology. I also am an active member of a research team in Australia. Strengths of my research include: (1) A focus on skin cancer lesion identification by healthcare providers not typically studied, such as primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and massage therapists, as well as by high-risk patients; (2) Use of novel technology as interventions, e.g., mobile teledermoscopy (smartphone+app+dermoscopy attachment), internet-delivered video, to improve skin lesion diagnosis and increase provider and patient self-efficacy; (3) Targeting of skin cancer prevention behaviors in understudiedpopulations such as Hispanic adolescents and vulnerable skin cancer high-risk populations such as solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR); (4) Evaluating training of health sciences students, and testing novel skin cancer information delivery methods in middle and high school students. My research uses quantitative methods (survey and instrument development), qualitative methods (focus groups, qualitative description) and mixed methods. As part of my joint appointment in the College of Public Health, I have developed and evaluated skin cancer prevention hybrid training for health sciences students. As a longstanding member of the UA Cancer Center, I have several years of experience developing and evaluating public and professional outreach education programs. I have been a productive member of the Skin Cancer Institute since its inception, contributing to grant submission proposals, outreach, and dissemination.
- Post doctoral, Cancer Prevention and Control, National Institutes of Health, 2003
- Ph.D., Nursing, The University of Arizona, 2001
- M.S.N., Nursing, The University of Arizona, 1980
- B.S.N., Nursing, The University of Wisconsin, 1974
Licensure & Certifications
- Arizona Nurses Association, 1994
- RN 031852 (Arizona), Arizona State Board of Nursing, 1975
- Anna M. Shannon Mentorship Award, Western Institute of Nursing, Spring 2021
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty, UArizona CON, Spring 2019
- Extraordinary Faculty Award, The University of Arizona College of Nursing Alumni council, Fall 2018
- Researcher in Residence (Sponsor Peter Soyer), University of QueenslandBrisbane Australia, Fall 2016
- International Research Development Grant Travel Award, The University of Arizona Office of Global Initiatives, Fall 2016
- Nominated for Suzanne Van Ort Teaching Award, College of Nursing, Spring 2016
- Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, Fall 2012
- Oncology Nursing Society Excellence in Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Award, Oncology Nursing Society, Spring 2012
- Suzanne Van Ort Graduate Teaching Peer Award, The University of Arizona College of Nursing, Spring 2011
- Gold Triangle Award for the video, Skin Cancer: Learn to Spot it Early©, American Academy of Dermatology, Spring 2009
- Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral and Population Sciences Career Development Award (1 K07 CA106996), National Cancer Institute, Spring 2009
Teaching Interests
NURS 920 (Spring 2021)Thry/Hlth Prom+Risk Rdct
NURS 726 (Spring 2021)Syst/inte Review Imple
NURS 701B (Spring 2021)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Fall 2020)Intro to Proposal Writing
NURS 707 (Fall 2020)Syst/int Review Foundations
NURS 701A (Fall 2020)Sci+Practice of Nursing
NURS 695A (Fall 2020)
Population/Community Hlt Nurs
NURS 611 (Summer 2020)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2020)Independent Study
NURS 799 (Spring 2020)Thry/Hlth Prom+Risk Rdct
NURS 726 (Spring 2020)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2019)Sci+Practice of Nursing
NURS 695A (Fall 2019)
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer 2019)Population/Community Hlt Nurs
NURS 611 (Summer 2019)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2019)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Spring 2019)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Fall 2018)Sci+Practice of Nursing
NURS 695A (Fall 2018)
NURS 920 (Summer 2018)Independent Study
NURS 799 (Summer 2018)Independent Study
NURS 699 (Summer 2018)Population/Community Hlt Nurs
NURS 611 (Summer 2018)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2018)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Spring 2018)Thry/Hlth Prom+Risk Rdct
NURS 726 (Spring 2018)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2017)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Fall 2017)Dissemination & Implementation
NURS 738 (Fall 2017)
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer 2017)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Summer 2017)Population/Community Hlt Nurs
NURS 611 (Summer 2017)Hlth Promotion & Risk Reduct
NURS 540 (Summer 2017)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2017)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Spring 2017)Independent Study
NURS 799 (Spring 2017)Thry/Hlth Prom+Risk Rdct
NURS 726 (Spring 2017)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Fall 2016)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Fall 2016)Practicum
NURS 694 (Fall 2016)Evid-Based Practice Improvemnt
NURS 521 (Fall 2016)
DNP Project
NURS 922 (Summer 2016)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Summer 2016)Population/Community Hlt Nurs
NURS 611 (Summer 2016)DNP Project
NURS 922 (Spring 2016)Dissertation
NURS 920 (Spring 2016)Independent Study
NURS 799 (Spring 2016)Thry/Hlth Prom+Risk Rdct
NURS 726 (Spring 2016)Practicum
NURS 694 (Spring 2016)
Research Interests
- Curiel-Lewandrowski, C., Leachman, S., Stemwedel, C., Chen, S., Feis, L., Gerami, P., Green, A., Johnson, M., Loescher, L. J., Malvehy, J., Marghoob, A., Martires, K., Petrie, T., Puig, S., Swetter, S., Svedenhag, P., Tkaczyk, E., & Wisco, O. (2018). Methods of melanoma detection. In In: Riker A. (ed.) Melanoma: Comprehensive Management. New York: Springer.
- Horsham, C., Snoswell, C., Vagenas, D., Loescher, L. J., Gillespie, N., Soyer, H. P., & Janda, M. (2020). Is teledermoscopy ready to replace face to face examinations for the early detection of skin cancer? Consumer views, technology acceptance and satisfaction with care. Dermatology, 2, 170-176. doi:https://doi-org.ezproxy3.library.arizona.edu/10.1159/000506154
- Janda, M., Horsham, C., Vagenas, D., Loescher, L. J., Gillespie, N., Koh, U., Curiel-Lewendrowski, C., Hofman-Wellenhof, R., Halpern, A., Whiteman, D. C., Whitty, J. A., Smithers, B. M., & Soyer, H. P. (2020). Accuracy of mobile digital teledermoscopy for skin self-examinations in adults at high risk of skin cancer: an open-label, randomized controlled trial. 2:. Lancet Digital Health, 2, e129-137. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/S2589-7500(20)30001-7
- Loescher, L. J., Heslin, K. M., Silva, G. E., & Muramoto, M. L. (2020). Partnering with massage therapists to communicate information on reducing the risk of skin cancer among clients: Longitudinal study. JMIR Formative Research, 4(11), e21309. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/21309
- Loescher, L. J., Love, R., & Badger, T. A. (2020). Breaking new ground? The Dual (PhD-DNP) Doctoral Degree in Nursing https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.05.001. Journal of Professional Nursing. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.05.001
- May, J. T., Littzen, C. O., Morrison, H. W., & Loescher, L. J. (2020). Experiences of dual PHD-DNP nursing students during doctoral education. Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 36(5), 348-355.
- Stratton, D. B., Shea, K. D., Knight, E. D., & Loescher, L. J. (2020). Delivering clinical skin examination education to nurse practitioners using an Internet-based, microlearning approach: Development and feasibility of a video intervention. 2020.. JMIR Dermatology, 3(1), e16714.
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., & Loescher, L. J. (2020). Recruiting African American parents of school-aged children in a physical activity study: Lessons learned. Chronic illness, 1742395320928389.
- Janda, M., Horsham, C., Koh, U., Gillespie, N., Vaganes, D., Loescher, L. J., Curiel-Lewandowski, C., Hofmann-Wellenhof, R., & Soyer, H. P. (2019). Evaluating healthcare practitioners’ views on store-and-forward teledermoscopy services for the diagnosis of skin cancer. .. Digital Health, 5, 1-11. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2055207619828225
- Koh, U., Horsham, C., Soyer, H. P., Loescher, L. J., Gillespie, N., Vagenas, D., & Janda, M. (2019). Consumer Acceptance and Expectations of a Mobile Health Application to Photograph Skin Lesions for Early Detection of Melanoma. DERMATOLOGY, 235(1), 4-10.
- Loescher, L. J., Nguyen, A., & McEwen, M. (2019). Perceived risk of developing diabetes in the general population and Asian Americans: A systematic review.. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 1-14. doi:DOI: 10.1177/1043659619876685
- Loescher, L. J., Heslin, K. M., Szalacha, L. A., Silva Torres, G. E., & Muramoto, M. L. (2019). Online Skin Cancer Prevention Training for Massage Therapists: Protocol for the MTsSHARE Study: A Research Protocol. Journal of Medical Internet Research Protocols, 8(5), 4-15. doi:doi:10.2196/13480
- Stratton, D. B., & Loescher, L. J. (2019). Educational interventions for primary care providers to improve clinical skin examination for skin cancer. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
- Goodman, H., Pacheco, C. L., & Loescher, L. J. (2018). An Online Intervention to Enhance Nurse Practitioners’ Skin Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, and Counseling Behaviors: A Pilot Study. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association, 10(1), 20–28. doi:10.1097/JDN.0000000000000367
- Loescher, L. J., Howerter, A. L., Heslin, K. M., Azzolina, C. M., & Muramoto, M. (2018). A survey of licensed massage therapists’ perceptions of skin cancer prevention and detection activities. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 11(4), 4-10.
- Loescher, L. J., Stratton, D., Slebodnik, M., & Goodman, H. (2018). A systematic review of nurse practitioners’ skin cancer knowledge and attitudes, skin examination, and skin cancer detection and prevention education and training. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30, 43-58. doi:DOI# 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000004
- Snoswell, C. L., Whitty, J. A., Caffery, L. J., Loescher, L. J., Gillespie, N., & Janda, M. (2018). Direct-to-consumer mobile teledermoscopy for skin cancer screening: Preliminary results demonstrating willingness-to-pay in Australia. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 24(10), 683-689. doi:doi.org/10.1177/1357633X18799582
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., & Loescher, L. J. (2018). Physical Activity in Parents of Young African American Children: The Application of Social Cognitive Theory. Research and theory for nursing practice, 32(1), 63-81.
- Kindarara, D., McEwen, M., Crist, J., & Loescher, L. J. (2017). Health-illness transition experiences with type 2 diabetes self-management of Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the United States. The Diabetes Educator. doi:10.1177/0145721717724725
- Kindarara, D. M., McEwen, M. M., Crist, J. D., & Loescher, L. J. (2017). Health-Illness Transition Experiences With Type 2 Diabetes Self-management of Sub-Saharan African Immigrants in the United States. The Diabetes educator, 43(5), 506-518.
- Loescher, L. J., Rawdin, S., Machain, T., Emrick, G., Pasvogel, A., Spartoon, D., Johnson, R. E., & Campas, D. (2017). Implementation of Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS) in rural high schools along the Arizona-Mexico border. Journal of Cancer Education.
- Argenbright, C. A., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). Bowenwork for symptom management of women breast cancer survivors with lymphedema: A pilot study. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 25, 142-149.
- Finch, L., Janda, M., Loescher, L. J., & Hacker, E. (2016). Can skin cancer prevention be improved through mobile technology interventions? A systematic review. Preventive medicine, 90, 121-32.
- Horsham, C., Loescher, L. J., Whiteman, D. C., Soyer, H. P., & Janda, M. (2016). Consumer acceptance of patient-performed mobile teledermoscopy for the early detection of melanoma. The British journal of dermatology, 175(6), 1301-1310.
- Loescher, L. J., Rains, S. A., Kramer, S. S., Akers, C., & Moussa, R. (2016). A Systematic Review of Interventions to Enhance Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors in Adolescents Delivered via Mobile Phone Text Messaging. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, 1-15. doi:doi: 10.1177/0890117116675785
- Lucas, M. A., Pacheco, C. L., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). Nurse Practitioners Knowledge of Prevention Guidelines and Counseling Practices Related to Primary Prevention of Skin Cancer Among Adolescents in Arizona. Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association, 8(6), p 368–377. doi:10.1097/JDN.0000000000000257
- Stratton, D., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). The acceptance of mobile teledermoscopy by primary care nurse practitioners in the state of Arizona. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(6), 287-93.
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Taylor-Piliae, R., Insel, K., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). Physical activity among African American parents of young children: Personal and environmental factors. Int J Sports Psychol.
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., Insel, K. C., Insel, K. C., Loescher, L. J., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). Physical Activity among African American Parents of Young Children: Roles of Personal and Environmental Factors.. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 47(6), 523-544. doi:doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2015.46.523
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., Insel, K. C., & Loescher, L. J. (2016). Physical Activity among African American Parents of Young Children: Roles of Personal and Environmental Factors.. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46, 523-544. doi:doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2015.46.523
- Davis, R., Loescher, L. J., Rogers, J., Spartonos, D., Snyder, A., Koch, S., & Harris, R. B. (2015). Evaluation of Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS): A University Student-Delivered Skin Cancer Prevention Program for Schools. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 30(4), 736-42.
- Manahan, M. N., Soyer, H. P., Loescher, L. J., Horsham, C., Vagenas, D., Whiteman, D. C., Olsen, C. M., & Janda, M. (2015). A pilot trial of mobile, patient-performed teledermoscopy. The British journal of dermatology, 172(4), 1072-80.
- Chadwick, X., Loescher, L. J., Janda, M., & Soyer, H. P. (2014). Mobile medical applications for melanoma risk assessment: False assurance or valuable tool?. Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Science, 2675-2684. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.337
- Janda, M., Loescher, L. J., Banan, P., Horsham, C., & Soyer, H. P. (2014). Lesion selection by melanoma high-risk consumers during skin self-examination using mobile teledermoscopy. JAMA dermatology, 150(6), 656-8.
- Janda, M., Loescher, L. J., & Soyer, H. P. (2013). Enhanced skin self-examination: A novel approach to skin cancer monitoring and follow-up. JAMA Dermatology, 149(2), 231-236.
- Loescher, L., Webber, K. J., & Loescher, L. J. (2013). A systematic review of parent role modeling of healthy eating and physical activity for their young African American children. Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN, 18(3).
- Loescher, L. J., Hansen, C., Hepworth, J. T., Quale, L., & Sligh, J. (2013). A preliminary study of a video intervention to inform solid organ transplant recipients about skin cancer. Transplantation Proceedings, 45(9), 3187-3189.
- Loescher, L. J., Janda, M., Soyer, H. P., Shea, K., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2013). Advances in skin cancer early detection and diagnosis. Seminars in oncology nursing, 29(3), 170-81.
- Loescher, L. J. (2013). Introduction. Seminars in oncology nursing, 29(3), 157-9.
- Siaki, L. A., Loescher, L. J., & Trego, L. L. (2013). Synthesis strategy: Building a culturally sensitive mid-range theory of risk perception using literary, quantitative, and qualitative methods. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(3), 726-737.
- T., J., Loescher, L. J., Soyer, H. P., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2013). Barriers to mobile teledermoscopy in primary care. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 69(5), 821-824.
- Siaki, L. A., Loescher, L. J., & Ritter, L. (2012). A cultural perspective of Samoans' perceived risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 27(6), 468-75.
- Curiel-Lewandrowski, C., Speetzen, L. S., Cranmer, L., Warneke, J. A., & Loescher, L. J. (2011). Multiple primary cutaneous melanomas in Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Archives of dermatology, 147(2), 248-50.
- Loescher, L. J., Hibler, E., Hiscox, H., Hla, H., & Harris, R. B. (2011). Challenges of using the internet for behavioral research. Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN, 29(8), 445-8.
- Loescher, L., Siaki, L. A., & Loescher, L. J. (2011). Pacific Islanders' perceived risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society / Transcultural Nursing Society, 22(2).
- Loescher, L. J., Harris, J. M., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2011). A systematic review of advanced practice nurses' skin cancer assessment barriers, skin lesion recognition skills, and skin cancer training activities. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23(12), 667-673.
- Quevedo Garcia, S. P., Greco, K. E., & Loescher, L. J. (2011). Teaching strategies to incorporate genomics education into academic nursing curricula. The Journal of nursing education, 50(11), 612-9.
- Loescher, L. J., Hibler, E., Hiscox, H., Quale, L., & Harris, R. (2010). An internet-delivered video intervention for skin self-examination by patients with melanoma. Archives of Dermatology, 146(8), 922-923.
- Marble, N., Loescher, L. J., Lim, K. H., & Hiscox, H. (2010). Use of technology for educating melanoma patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 25(3), 445-450.
- Loescher, L. J., Lim, K. H., Leitner, O., Ray, J., D'Souza, J., & Armstrong, C. M. (2009). Cancer surveillance behaviors in women presenting for clinical BRCA genetic susceptibility testing. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(2), E57-E67.
- Loescher, L. J., Crist, J. D., Cranmer, L., Curiel-Lewandrowski, C., & Warneke, J. A. (2009). Melanoma high-risk families' perceived health care provider risk communication. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education, 24(4), 301-7.
- Loescher, L. J., Crist, J. D., & Siaki, L. A. (2009). Perceived intrafamily melanoma risk communication. Cancer nursing, 32(3), 203-10.
- Kieran, S., Loescher, L. J., & Lim, K. H. (2007). The role of financial factors in acceptance of clinical BRCA genetic testing. Genetic Testing, 11(1), 101-110.
- Loescher, L., Riordan, S. H., & Loescher, L. J. (2006). Medical students' attitudes toward genetic testing of minors. Genetic testing, 10(1).
- Loescher, L. J., Harris, R. B., Lim, K. H., & Yani, S. u. (2006). Thorough skin self-examination in patients with melanoma. Oncology Nursing Forum, 33(3), 633-637.
- Loescher, L. J., & Merkle, C. J. (2005). The interface of genomic technologies and nursing. Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 37(2), 111-9.
- Ray, J. A., Loescher, L. J., & Brewer, M. (2005). Risk-reduction surgery decisions in high-risk women seen for genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 14(6), 473-484.
- Loescher, L., & Loescher, L. J. (2004). Nursing roles in cancer prevention position statements. Seminars in oncology nursing, 20(2).
- Fraser, M. C., & Loescher, L. J. (2003). Oncology Nursing: Introduction. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 19(1), 1-.
- Loescher, L. J. (2003). Cancer worry in women with hereditary risk factors for breast cancer.. Oncology nursing forum, 30(5), 767-772.
- Loescher, L. J. (2000). The influence of technology on cancer nursing.. Seminars in oncology nursing, 16(1), 3-11.
- Loescher, L. J. (1999). Genetics and ethics: The family history component of cancer genetic risk counseling. Cancer Nursing, 22(1), 96-102.
- Loescher, L., & Loescher, L. J. (1999). The family history component of cancer genetic risk counseling. Cancer nursing, 22(1).
- Loescher, L. J., & Ronan, J. P. (1998). Toward a holistic view of genetic technology as a way of knowing.. Holistic nursing practice, 12(3), 1-8.
- Loescher, L. J. (1998). DNA testing for cancer predisposition.. Oncology nursing forum, 25(8), 1317-1327.
- Loescher, L. J. (1997). Cancer genetics is not all inheritance.. Oncology nursing forum, 24(3), 437-.
- Alberts, D. S., Goldman, R., Xu, M., Dorr, R. T., Quinn, J., Welch, K., Guillen-Rodriguez, J., Aickin, M., Peng, Y., Loescher, L., & Gensler, H. (1996). Disposition and metabolism of topically administered α-tocopherol acetate: A common ingredient of commercially available sunscreens and cosmetics. Nutrition and Cancer, 26(2), 193-201.
- Loescher, L. J., Emerson, J., Taylor, A., Christensen, D. H., & McKinney, M. (1995). Educating preschoolers about sun safety. American Journal of Public Health, 85(7), 939-943.
- Loescher, L., & Loescher, L. J. (1995). Genetics in cancer prediction, screening, and counseling: Part I, Genetics in cancer prediction and screening. Oncology nursing forum, 22(2 Suppl).
- Loescher, L., & Loescher, L. J. (1995). Genetics in cancer prediction, screening, and counseling: Part II, The nurse's role in genetic counseling. Oncology nursing forum, 22(2 Suppl).
- Buller, M. K., Loescher, L. J., & Buller, D. B. (1994). 'Sunshine and skin health': A curriculum for skin cancer prevention education. Journal of Cancer Education, 9(3), 155-162.
- Loescher, L. J. (1994). Prostate cancer: controversies surrounding risk, screening, and management.. Oncology nursing forum, 21(9), 1503-1504.
- Loescher, L. J., Buller, M. K., Buller, D. B., Emerson, J., & Taylor, A. M. (1994). Public education projects in skin cancer. The evolution of skin cancer prevention education for children at a comprehensive cancer center. Cancer, 75(2 SUPPL.), 651-656.
- Loescher, L. J. (1994). To screen or not to screen?. Oncology nursing forum, 21(1), 9-.
- Loescher, L. J. (1993). Skin cancer prevention and detection update.. Seminars in oncology nursing, 9(3), 184-187.
- Loescher, L. J. (1993). Commentary: expanding our horizons with an alternative approach to cancer prevention and detection.. Seminars in oncology nursing, 9(3), 147-149.
- Cartmel, B., Loescher, L. J., & Villar-Werstler, P. (1992). Professional and consumer concerns about the environment, lifestyle, and cancer. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 8(1), 20-29.
- Loescher, L. J., & Meyskens Jr., F. L. (1991). Chemoprevention of human skin cancers. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 7(1), 45-52.
- Loescher, L. J. (1991). Introduction. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 7(1), 1-.
- Loescher, L. J., Clark, L., Atwood, J. R., Leigh, S., & Lamb, G. (1990). The impact of the cancer experience on long-term survivors.. Oncology nursing forum, 17(2), 223-229.
- Loescher, L. J., & Meyskens Jr., F. L. (1990). Correction: Prevention of hemorrhagic cystitis after cyclophosphamide (I: Reply). Annals of Internal Medicine, 112(8), 634-.
- Loescher, L. J., Graham, V. E., Aickin, M., Meyskens Jr., F. L., & Surwit, E. A. (1990). Development of a contingency recruitment plan for a phase III chemoprevention trial of cervical dysplasia.. Progress in clinical and biological research, 339, 151-163.
- Berdeaux, D. H., Meyskens Jr., F. L., Parks, B., Tong, T., Loescher, L., & Moon, T. E. (1989). Cutaneous malignant melanoma. II. The natural history and prognostic factors influencing the development of Stage II disease. Cancer, 63(7), 1430-1436.
- Loescher, L. J., Welch-McCaffrey, D., Leigh, S. A., Hoffman, B., & Meyskens Jr., F. L. (1989). Surviving adult cancers. Part 1: Physiologic effects. Annals of Internal Medicine, 111(5), 411-432.
- Welch-McCaffrey, D., Hoffman, B., Leigh, S. A., Loescher, L. J., & Meyskens Jr., F. L. (1989). Surviving adult cancers. Part 2: Psychosocial implications. Annals of Internal Medicine, 111(6), 517-524.
- Lippman, S. M., Kassler, J. F., Al-Sarraf, M., Alberts, D. S., Itri, L. M., Mattox, D., D., D., Loescher, L., & Meyskens Jr., F. L. (1988). Treatment of advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck with isotretinoin: a phase II randomized trial. Investigational New Drugs, 6(1), 51-56.
- Meyskens Jr., F. L., Berdeaux, D. H., Parks, B., Tong, T., Loescher, L., & Moon, T. E. (1988). Cutaneous malignant melanoma (Arizona Cancer Center experience): I. Natural history and prognostic factors influencing survival in patients with stage I disease. Cancer, 62(6), 1207-1214.
- Meyskens Jr., F. L., Kingsley, E. M., Glattke, T., Loescher, L., & Booth, A. (1986). A phase II study of α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) for the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Investigational New Drugs, 4(3), 257-262.
- Loescher, L. J., & Leigh, S. (1984). Isolated regional limb hyperthermic perfusion as treatment for melanoma.. Cancer Nursing, 7(6), 461-467.
- Loescher, L. J., & Sauer, K. A. (1984). Vitamin therapy for advanced cancers.. Oncology nursing forum, 11(6), 38-45.
- Loescher, L., Kessler, J., & Jones, S. (1984). 13-Cis retinoic acid as treatment for mycosis fungoides: Clinical results of a phase II trial. Federation Proceedings, 43(4), no. 3896.
- Meyskens Jr., F. L., Loescher, L., Moon, T. E., Takasugi, B., & Salmon, S. E. (1984). Relation of in vitro colony survival to clinical response in a prospective trial of single-agent chemotherapy for metastatic melanoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2(11), 1223-1228.
- Loescher, L. J., & Love, R. (2020, January). Emerging Solutions: Breaking new ground? The Dual PhD/DNP Degrees in Nursing. Doctoral Education Conference. Naples, FL: American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
- Loescher, L. J., Love, R., & Badger, T. (2020, April). The dual doctoral degree in nursing (PhD-DNP): a 10-year report of outcomes and program changes. Western Institute of Nursing Virtual Conference. Virtual: Western Institute of Nursing.
- Loescher, L. J., Silva Torres, G. E., Muramoto, M. L., & Heslin, K. M. (2020, October). Educating massage therapists to engage in skin cancer primary prevention conversations with clients. International Cancer Education Conference.. Virtual (COVID-19): American Association of Cancer Education.
- Loescher, L. J., Silva, G., Muramoto, M., & Heslin, K. (2020, March). Decision simulation technology to assess practical application of massage therapists’ (MTs) use of a MT-client helping conversation for skin cancer risk reduction (Abstract 292). American Society of Preventive Oncology Virtual Conference. Virtual: American Society of Preventive Oncology.
- Loescher, L. J., Littzen, C., May, J., & Morrison, H. (2020, January). In-betweenness and Isolation: Unique Experiences of PhD-DNP Dual Doctoral Degree Nursing Students in the Online Environment. Doctoral Education Conference. Naples, FL: American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
- Curiel-Lewandrowski, C., Harris, R., Loescher, L. J., Wondrak, G., & Dickinson, S. (2019, March). Curiel C, Harris RB, Loescher LJ, Wondrak G & Dickinson S. The UACC Skin Cancer Institute: Who We Are, What We Are Doing, and Opportunities Ahead. . March 26, 2019.. Presentation to Dr. Robert Robbins, President, The University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Skin Cancer Institute.
- Janda, M., Horsham, C., Vagenas, D., Loescher, L. J., Gillespie, N., & Soyer, H. P. (2019, November). Gillespie N, Soyer HP. Using mobile teledermoscopy for the early detection of skin cancer by patients in the home. Society for Melanoma Research. Salt Lake City, UT. November 22, 2019. (podium). Society for Melanoma Research. Salt Lake City, UT: Society for Melanoma Research.
- Janda, M., Soyer, H. P., & Loescher, L. J. (2017, Feb/Winter). Exploring patient views of mobile health apps for detection and management of melanoma. ASBHM/APS-CHP Conference 2017. Brisbane, Australia: Australasian Society of Behavioural Health and Medicine.
- Loescher, L. J., Emrick, G., Rawdin, S., Spartonos, D., Machain, T., Pasvogel, A., & Harris, R. (2017, July/Summer). Symposium Title: Translational Research: Dissemination andImplementation of Interventions From Research to Practice: Implementation of Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS) in rural and underserved high schools. Sigma Theta Tau International 28th International Nursing Research Congress. Dublin, Ireland: Sigma Theta Tau International.
- Argenbright, C., Taylor-Piliae, R., & Loescher, L. J. (2016, Summer). A pilot study on Bowenwork for symptom management of women breast cancer survivors with lymphedema. American Holistic Nurses Association annual conference. Bonita Springs FLA: American Holistic Nurses Association.
- Rosenfeld, A. G., Taylor-Piliae, R. E., Carrington, J. M., Gephart, S. M., Insel, K. C., Loescher, L. J., & Reed, P. G. (2016, January). Defying the skeptics! Strategies and successes of an online PhD program.. AACN Doctoral Education Conference. Florida: AACN.
Poster Presentations
- Loescher, L. J., McEwen, M. M., & Nguyen, A. (2020, August). Perceived risk of developing diabetes and health-promoting behaviors in Vietnamese Americans with prediabetes. American Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.. Virtual (COVID-19): American Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists..
- Loescher, L. J., Heslin, K., Silva, G., & Muramoto, M. (2020, February). Preliminary Results of the Massage Therapists Skin Health Awareness, Referral and Education (MTsSHARE) Study to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk in Arizonans. Arizona Biomedical Research Centre annual conference. Virtual: Arizona Biomedical Research Centre.
- Rung, O., Stauber, L. S., Loescher, L. J., & Pace, T. W. (2020, Spring). Intimate partner violence in pregnant women: Reducing stress with yogic breathing. Western Institute of Nursing Annual Meetings.
- Heslin, K. M., Loescher, L. J., Silva, G. E., & Muramoto, M. (2019, October). Recruiting massage therapists as research participants: challenges and lessons learned.. American Massage Therapy Association National Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
- Loescher, L. J., Heslin, K. M., Szalacha, L. A., Silva, G. E., & Muramoto, M. (2019, May). Development and Usability Testing of the MTsSHARE Online Skin Cancer Prevention Training for Massage Therapists. 4th Annual ABRC Annual Research Conference. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Biomedical Research Centre.
- Loescher, L. J., Heslin, K. M., Szalacha, L. A., Silva, G., & Muramoto, M. (2019, March). Development and Usability Testing of the MTsSHARE Online Skin Cancer Prevention Training for Massage Therapists. (poster B124). 38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral MedicineSociety of Behavioral Medicine.
- Loescher, L. J., Rawdin, S., Emrick, G. E., Machain, T., Spartonos, D., Pasvogel, A., Johnson, R., & Campas, D. (2017, April/Spring). Training students in underserved high schools along the US-Mexico border to implement Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS). Poster Number: B130. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Diego: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Loescher, L. J., Yung, A., & Thomson, C. (2017, April/Spring). The Behavioral Measurement and Intervention Shared Resource (BMISR) supports researchers conducting behavioral studies. Poster Number: D036. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Diego, CA: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Yung, A., Crane, T., Merchant, N., Loescher, L. J., Younger, A., Wright, S., & Thomson, C. A. (2017, March). Abstract: A novel model to support lifestyle interventions in cancer survivors: undergraduate students and multimodel software platform. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Diego, CA: SBM.
- Argenbright, C., Loescher, L. J., & Koithan, M. (2016, October-November). Offering integrative complementary practices for symptom management of lymphedema in breast cancer survivors: reframing a complex problem using nonlinear dynamical sciences (NDS). Annual Conference of the American Public Health Association. Denver, CO: American Public Health Association.
- Loescher, L. J., Spartonos, D., & Harris, R. (2016, April). Trained peer leaders evaluate ‘Project Students are Sun Safe (SASS)’ presentations for community students. Society of Behavioral Medicine 37th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Washington DC: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Loescher, L. J., Chao, J., Soyer, H. P., & Curiel-Lewandrowski, C. (2016, April). Primary care providers’ use of mobile teledermoscopy to assess and manage pigmented skin lesions. Society of Behavioral Medicine 37th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Washington DC: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Loescher, L. J., Rains, S., Moussa, R., & Harris, R. (2016, April). Feasibility of sending sun-safety text messages to youth. Society of Behavioral Medicine 37th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions. Washington DC: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Stratton, D., Slebodnik, M., Kramer, S., & Loescher, L. J. (2016, April). Nurse practitioners’ skin cancer prevention practice: A systematic review. Western Institute of Nursing 49th Annual Conference, Innovations in Engagement through Research, Practice, and Education. Anaheim CA: Western Institute of Nursing.
- Webber-Ritchey, K. J., Loescher, L. J., & Taylor-Piliae, R. E. (2016, March). Predictors of Physical Activity Among African-American Parents of Young Children: Personal and Environmental Factors. American Heart Association/ American Stroke Association Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention/Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions. Phoenix, AZ.
- Washington, B. S., & Loescher, L. J. (2016, April). African American breast cancer survivors’ intentions to prevent weight gain. Western Institute of Nursing 49th Annual Conference, Innovations in Engagement through Research, Practice, and Education. Anaheim CA: Western Institute of Nursing.