CON Website Content

The content on the public facing College of Nursing website is overseen by the Office of Marketing & Communications.  The office works with administrative leadership and other designees to review and update content on the website.

For Faculty

For Content Managers

Web pages on the CON Website present their body by way of Paragraphs but they can also be thought of as content structures. The UAQS team has provide a number of brand-compliant structures for use in UAQS pages. The structures that are of particular interest to us are:

See the Images and Files documentation from UA Quickstart.

When adding a new file:

  • For documents, always upload PDFs over Word documents. PDF is a cross-platform format that renders in most modern browsers. Word should only be used when the document is intended to edited by the user.
  • For images, PNG is the preferred format as it supports transparency. Please be aware of the file size when uploading images.
  • When uploading a new file, select a human-readable name. Do not include file extensions or other modifiers that make it difficult to determine what the file is. Think of the "Title" of the file rather than its location on disk.
  • If the file has already been uploaded, select the Library tab in the Media browser dialog. Find your file, select it, and select the Link View mode with no alignment before hitting Embed.

When updating an existing file:

  • If a file is out of date and needs to be updated, replace the file rather than upload a new one. To do this, either click the Gear icon by hovering over the file in the page body or go to Files and search for the title of the file. Select "Edit" and use the "Replace file" field to update the existing file. This approach is advantageous because it will update all references to the file across the website. It also reduces the number of junk, out-of-date files that otherwise would accumulate on our server.

Positioning files on a page:

It is sometimes difficult to position a file on a page in Drupal. The easiest approach is to create a blank Unordered List (Bulleted List) and copy-paste the <drupal-entity></drupal-entity> tag into the list item. This allows for an easy listing of files. You might need to manually add a new list item <li></li> via the HTML Source button before adding a file entity to it.

Videos cannot be uploaded to the CON website. Instead, videos must be hosted on an external service (i.e. YouTube, Vimeo) and embedded on one of our pages. After you have hosted your video on an external host, paste the video embed code into the SOURCE of your content structure. This is typically an <iframe></iframe> element. It may not appear immediately after adding it to the page so refresh once or twice to ensure the embed was successful.

Switch into Source mode and type the following:

<a href="YOUR URL" class="btn btn-default">BUTTON TEXT</a>

There are a variety of button styles available via UA Bootstrap, see them in action here. Be sure that you are using a HTML anchor tag <a> and not a button tag <button> or your button won't do anything.


Office of Marketing & Communications
University of Arizona College of Nursing
1305 N Martin Ave, Rm 316
Tucson, AZ 85721-0203

Service Request


Content changes may be submitted by any faculty or staff in the College of Nursing. Marketing & Communications will work with administrative leadership and other designees to review and update content on the website if warranted.


There is no cost for most content update requests. Certain features or new functionality may incur a fee.

Service Owner

The CON Website is designed and updated by the Office of Marketing & Communications and designated College constituents. Development and maintenance of the website is handled by the Office of Learning & Healthcare Technology Innovations.